Relationships are one of the most important areas of our lives. Yet sometimes it feels like cupid has hit us with the wrong arrow, or maybe not at all!

Learn how to incorporate spiritual techniques into your relationship from a married couple that really get how relationships work. Not only are Dr Petra and Rev Karen more than qualified to teach this class independently, but they are also married to one another and practices these techniques on an everyday basis.

Think about the life you want to create with your significant other. Think about attracting that perfect person into your life, by using the Law of Attraction. Imagine how it will feel to build better trust and deeper connection.

Some of the things you'll take away from this workshop:

1) Gain insights on the types of values you need from your relationship in order for it to thrive

2) Learn real-world habits that help deal with conflict and build a sustainable, trust-worthy relationship.

3) Laugh and have fun with the exercises. You'll be interested in knowing what really makes your partner tick. This can open your conversations up to the things that really matter.

Take the step, use this a tool to open up the dialogue with yourself and your partner. Taking these steps now can insure that you are growing a relationship, opening yourself up to have an authentic partner, and cultivating a space for Love.

Watch to see more about this class

Course Curriculum

  First Section, What are each of your strengths and gifts??
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Second Section, The Spiritual Truth of your Partner
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Third Section, Agreements and the Honeymoon
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fourth Section, Communication makes the difference
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fifth Section, Create a Vision and Mission for your relationship
Available in days
days after you enroll

Petra Weldes & Karen Fry

Dr Petra and Rev Karen lead a powerful, engaging workshop on how to cultivate, sustain, and maintain a loving, healthy partnership. Bringing their spiritual wisdom and real life experience, this workshop explores the love languages, trappings, and processes to deepen and transform your intimate relationship. If you’re in a relationship, you can take the course with your partner/spouse or you can enroll alone. If you aren’t in one yet, and want to be, this is a great workshop for you as well so you’ll be able to use what you learn “from the get-go” in your next relationship.

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